作者: laigei (我是阿嘟嘟) 看板: Lakers
標題: [外電] Sessions definitely with Lakers Next Season
時間: Wed May 30 00:35:50 2012

Ramon Sessions "definitely" coming back with Los Angeles Lakers next season
沙宣下一季 無疑的 還是湖人

Ramon Sessions “definitely” coming back with Los Angeles Lakers next season
– NBA Update

Ramon Sessions has made it clear that he will most likely come back with the
Los Angeles Lakers next season. Sessions only joined the Lakers at the trade
deadline this shortened NBA season and his integration into the side has been
a success, meaning that the point guard is set to extend his stay in


“Oh yeah, definitely,” Sessions said about returning with the Lakers next

"噢,當然" 沙宣談到下個在季與湖人的去留。

Sessions said he had already spoken to General Manager Mitch Kupchak about it
and the Lakers had indicated that they want him to stay. The point guard
himself is loving life not only in the city of Los Angeles but also inside
the franchise which has so much history.


“Talking to Mitch before I left, they definitely want me back and I’d love
to come back. This is a first-class organization. There are banners all over
the gym and there’s a lot of history here. From the top to the bottom,
everything was great.” He said.


Sessions came from the Cleveland Cavaliers where he had become the second
choice point guard, behind rookie sensation Kyrie Irving. The Lakers acquired
him just as they let go of long-time point guard Derek Fisher, with Sessions
taking over his role as a starter.

沙宣是騎士隊的替補控球後衛,先發位置被 Uncle Drew 佔著。

The transition has been relatively smooth for the Lakers as well as for
Ramon, but he has had to make some adjustments. As a point guard in a team
with the likes of Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol, Sessions does not
get the ball as much as he would want.

陣中有 KOBE、霸男、耶穌,沙宣並不能拿到那麼多球。

His role is different to the conventional point guard in the NBA, therefore
the player has decided to use the summer and hone some skills that would help
him be more effective with Los Angeles.


“I’m going to work on playing off the ball, especially if things work out
and I’m back here,” Sessions said. “Playing off the ball is different than
having the ball in your hands. I’m going to work on spot-up threes and other
shots that I got in this offense.

"我要開始練習無球戰術,如果我續留的話" 沙宣說道。

Ramon has given Los Angeles the extra pace they required, and did not get out
of Fisher, next season he will be looking to immerse himself whole in their


外電來源: http://0rz.tw/EG7aM 翻譯: 自翻

Do: 看來沙宣續留是更明確了,這孩子有在進步,很棒,給他時間磨練,期待它吧。


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=__ __= BF-37 BF-37 ▄ ◢
__ __
Luffy】-【Zoro 】-【Sanji】 -【Franky 】 ───【Chopper】── ▄

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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※ 編輯: laigei 來自: (05/30 01:15)
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u2gogowin:加油吧, 希望外線跟Ariza一樣噴爽爽 05/30 01:40

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