作者: Ken52039 (Ken Huang) 看板: Lakers
標題: Fw: [外絮] Roy造訪LA
時間: Fri Jun 8 10:34:27 2012
Will Brandon Roy make his NBA comeback as a Laker? While the question of Roy
possibly teaming up with Kobe Bryant remains unanswered, Sportando reveals
that during the last few days, Roy was indeed – L.A. bound
Roy將會選擇湖人做為復出嗎? Roy將和黑巴曼攜手合作嗎?雖然這都還沒有正確的答案
Sources close to the player confirmed, "Brandon (Roy) landed in Los Angeles
on Monday and is scheduled to leave on Friday."
During his stay in L.A. it is unknown whether or not Roy met with the Lakers'
coaching or medical staff, however, he is currently undergoing a series of
private medical procedures on his knees. "Tuesday was the first of a series
of treatment Roy's going through. He's doing something similar to the
treatment Kobe Bryant had on his right knee. It can only help," added the
在這段時間 我們不確定Roy是否有接觸湖人的管理層或醫療人員 不過可以確定的是
"星期二的時候Roy做了第一輪的治療 類似Kobe之前做過的治療 這是我唯一可以告訴你的"
Those who've recently seen and played Roy are convinced he's a much better
player then he was in the past (which is kind of scary). Recent rumors
circulating around the United States are indicating that the Lakers showed
interest in the Former 2007 Rookie of the Year.
That said, "Roy is positively thinking about coming back next season. We like
L.A. a lot. Growing up, the Lakers were Brandon's favorite team."
謠言還說 Roy對下季重返NBA非常渴望 我們很喜歡湖人 湖人是Roy最感興趣的隊伍
The Dallas Mavericks were also mentioned as a potential destination for Roy.
※ 編輯: Ken52039 來自: (06/08 10:35)
推 jacky9183:究.....竟會怎麼樣呢?我們繼續看下去 06/08 10:37
推 Lonshu:會不會每個Rumor都見光死呢... 06/08 10:44
推 yehming:還能打嗎... 06/08 10:46
推 waylong:打PG有沒有搞頭? 06/08 10:59
推 Bigcookie2:應該不能打了吧。 06/08 11:00
推 fucx:這看看就好 06/08 11:14
推 klaker:如果有全盛時期八成的roy加入不知該有多好(流口水) 06/08 11:17
→ o0991758566:隨緣吧~就算加了也不一定能打阿= =" 06/08 11:19
推 lball:沒軟骨 打一打玻尿酸應該也有用! 06/08 11:27
推 o0991758566:每場只能限定上場10分鐘 根本就超適合當Kobe的替補 06/08 11:30
推 k12151215:這季rumor成真的好像只有sessions的 06/08 11:34
推 mcbirdy:roy如果不能打的話~以前在屌也沒意義了 06/08 18:07
→ freeroce:可惜他沒軟骨,不然可以去德國一趟=.= 06/08 20:44
推 goldenlen:去格陵蘭吧~ 06/08 21:19
→ Verlander35:有機會賭就賭吧 也不是每隊都有這機會來賭 06/08 21:49
推 tasiki2002:過段時間 <新聞>Roy復出 加盟洛杉磯....快艇= = 06/09 03:52
推 Bigcookie2:推樓上XDD 每個復出的 旅外回來的 都ㄧ定要扯ㄧ下湖人 06/09 18:03
→ Bigcookie2:湖人不管什麼時候都會被拖出來一下 06/09 18:04
→ hikaruton:湖人就nba洋基啊 抬價用~ 06/10 00:51
- Jun 10 Sun 2012 03:40
Fw: [外絮] Roy造訪LA