作者: laigei (我是阿嘟嘟) 看板: Lakers
標題: [外電] Lakers unlikely to get D.Will orL.Odom
時間: Sat Jun 9 02:00:08 2012

Lakers unlikely to get Deron Williams or Lamar Odom
湖人可能拿不到蝶龍 或 喇罵了
-By Mike Bresnahan and Mark Medina June 6, 2012, 6:44 p.m.

They probably can't afford Williams, and new rule means Odom can't be
reacquired by the Lakers until December.


Will Lamar Odom join the Lakers? Probably not. What about Deron Williams?

喇罵會加入湖人嗎?甲賽。 那蝶龍呢?同上。

Lakers fans won't want to hear it, but their off-season remodeling project
remains as difficult as ever.


Williams, a likely free agent this summer and one of the NBA's top point
guards, was cognizant of the Lakers' limited purchasing power. They have very
little to spend on free agents because they are so far over the luxury-tax
threshold. Their biggest tool is the $3-million "mini" mid-level exception.


"I know they don't have any money to just go out and sign me. It'll have to
be some kind of [trade]," Williams said Wednesday at the E3 Expo, where he
promoted the video game "NBA Baller Beats."

"我懂他們沒錢簽老子我拉,但是我略懂有交易這東西" 他在代言遊戲時說道。
ps: NBA Baller Beats好像是XBOX的運球節奏遊戲欸,不知道好不好玩XD!!頗累的感覺
蝶龍遊戲代言訪問:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0MaOaYX1xI style="">

Williams, 27, has a player option for $17.8 million next season with New
Jersey. He averaged 21 points and 8.8 assists this season.

He was unsure what he thought about the Lakers, who eliminated his Utah teams
in the 2008, 2009 and 2010 playoffs.

"I used to hate them. They pushed us out of the playoffs three years in a
row," Williams said. "We'll see."

As for Odom, the NBA is standing firm on the relatively new rule that players
cannot return to their old teams for a full year after being traded, a change
made in the new collective-bargaining agreement last December.


Players formerly had to wait one month before rejoining teams that traded
them, sometimes negotiating quick buyouts from their new team to go back to
their old one, a scheme the NBA thwarted by creating the revision in December.

Even though the lockout-shortened season began in December, instead of the
usual October launching point for an NBA season, a league spokesman said the
one-year rule would not be bent to allow Odom to possibly go back to the

He was traded to Dallas on Dec. 11 for a first-round pick that the Lakers
subsequently sent to Houston in the Derek Fisher trade.

Odom, 32, had a rough season with Dallas, averaging a career-low 6.6 points
before being deactivated toward the end of the regular season. He is still
officially a member of the Mavericks but is expected to be bought out this
month for $2.4 million, making him a free agent. He was due to earn $8.2
million next season.

Odom would have to miss about six weeks of the season if he waited to join
the Lakers in December, an unlikely event according to a person familiar with
the situation.

The Lakers could offer Odom the $3-million mini mid-level exception next
season or $1.4 million, the veteran's minimum for a player with his


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=__ __= BF-37 BF-37 ▄ ◢
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Luffy】-【Zoro 】-【Sanji】 -【Franky 】 ───【Chopper】── ▄

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※ 編輯: laigei 來自: (06/09 02:00)
※ 編輯: laigei 來自: (06/09 02:01)
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